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2023 Award Winners

Gold Award - Senior & Ottawa University Scholarship - Senior: Anush Mutyala  

Gold Award - Junior: Madhav Saravanan

Silver Award: Aliza Siddiqui                   

Bronze Award & Biogenius Award: Lukas Chang

Awards Ceremony

A big thanks to University of Toronto Mississauga for hosting the 2023 Peel Science Fair


We have a total of 30+ projects and over 50+ people participated after 4 years of absence!

CWSF 2023 - Edmonton

The Canada Wide Science Fair 2023 was hosted at Edmonton, Alberta this year.

Dr. Marc de Benedetti was the chaperone for the event by taking Anush Mutyala and Madhav Saravanan - our gold winners to the event.

Congratulations to our Peel Winners at CWSF:

Silver Medalist: Madhav Saravanan

Bronze Medalist: Anush Mutyala

Anush's Interview with CBC News Articles

After the CWSF, Anush was able to secure a summer internship with University of Toronto under the department of electrical and computer engineering and got an interview with the CBC news group! 

Click on the photo to be linked to the interview article!

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